Friday, December 29, 2006

Payola "benefits" live music

This is a great way to turn payments from major labels into a community benefit.

SUNY Cortland - News - $500,000 Grant to Energize Cortland Music Scene and Music Appreciation: "The New York State Music Fund was created when the New York State Attorney General Office's resolved investigations against major record companies that had violated state and federal laws prohibiting 'pay for play,' also called 'payola.'...

"An Advisory Panel comprised of recognized leaders from a cross-section of the music world evaluated and recommended applications based on criteria focusing on artistic merit and community impact, and recommended 218 of 402 applications the Fund received for its second cycle.

"Awards to the 218 grantees represent every region of New York State and range from $10,000 to $500,000. Diverse forms of popular or experimental music, including indie rock, salsa, electronic, fusion and reggae account for almost 37 percent of grants and more than 15 percent celebrate a spectrum of jazz; nearly 25 percent include new classical music. The state’s ethnic or racial minority communities are served by close to a third of all programs, while 28 percent specifically target rural communities. The Fund’s size and emphasis on music of our time in all its forms set it apart from other arts grant programs....

"The funding will support a series of concerts
and events incorporating a range of educational activities including composing workshops, master classes and the use of technology to enable 'on demand' electronic access through pod casts and broadcast....

"The arts coalition will discuss using some grant funding to reduce the cost of ticket prices so more people can attend performances ... They also will consider acquiring music equipment to improve performance quality and enhance existing venues for public performances."

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