Sunday, November 19, 2006

Everyone wants to be a star

Here's a long, but very good rumination on the significance of YouTube.

What it means, for musicians, is that people are now more interested in being stars themselves than in passively watching other people become stars.

So this means that every entertainment offering must facilitate the audience and their aspirations of self-fulfillment. Listening to your music is likely not enough. You must enhance their lives in ways that they can discern: Make them feel more popular. More attractive. Smarter. Etc. Many of them would rather turn you into a greeting card that they can send to their friends than to listen to you on the radio.

Advertising Age - YouTube Grows Up -- But What Does It Mean?: "... aspirations of the everyman to break out of his lonely anonymous life of quiet desperation, to step in front of the whole world and be somebody, dude. A recent Accenture study of 1,600 Americans found that 38% of respondents wanted to create or share content online."

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