Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ontario Funds the Arts

CNW Telbec: "The three-year $7.5 million entertainment and creative cluster partnerships fund was launched today ...

"The fund will help Ontario's entertainment and creative industries grow and move into new markets by promoting new content development, innovative marketing and distribution, and skills training. The industries include film and television production, interactive digital media, music recording, commercial theatre, and magazine and book publishing. ....

"Ontario's entertainment and creative cluster contributes more than $6.7 billion to the provincial economy and generates over 36,000 jobs. The cluster includes fast-growing new media industries (e.g. digital special effects and interactive digital special effects and interactive productions like video and computer games) as well as artists, authors, musicians and filmmakers. Over the next two decades, job growth is expected to surpass most of Ontario's other thriving employment sectors."

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