Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Buzz doesn't always carry over from one place to another

Guardian Unlimited Arts | | MySpace and the Fringe are great at creating a buzz - but when it comes to art, the mob are rarely right: "Every year, the [Edinburgh Fringe] festival throws up a handful of theatre companies and comedians who become the talk of the town. While there are critics who contribute to this, word of mouth plays a big part. Stick hundreds of thousands of festival-goers together in a small city, all of them looking for a cultural fix, and they're going to listen to recommendations from the person they sit next to in the pub or the cab driver at the hotel.

"That may create an exciting bubble of gossip and rumour during the Fringe, but it doesn't seem to be a great way to locate work that can thrive in another environment. Sadly, what we're going to see between now and Christmas - as we see every year - is artists who have been the hottest new thing at this year's festival turning up in London and finding that their shows will be met with either a lukewarm response or total crash-and-burn."

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