Monday, September 18, 2006

Boom Times in Jackson Hole for Art and Music

From Cowtown to Art Hub: "'Even though there has supposedly been a downturn in the economy, it hasn't affected the galleries,' said Pamela Flores, president of the Jackson Hole Gallery Association and a fine art consultant at Trailside Galleries. 'If anything, I've noticed a definite rise in street traffic.'

"As incredible as it sounds, Flores says Jackson Hole is the fifth largest art market in the country. 'It's incredible,' she said. 'If people only knew the figures of each gallery and the amount of art that went out of here...

"The trend isn't limited to the visual arts. Performing artists have been enjoying the upturn in business, too. Calder rattled off a list of nearly a dozen musicians he knew of who were making a sustainable or even comfortable living off making music full time - including himself.

"'I've been in Jackson since 1992, and I cannot remember a time that it was so cool to be a musician here,' he said. 'There are more opportunities to play, people are into different kinds of music, and there's broader variety.'"

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